Pricing (Charging) for CAM Therapies This publication is dedicated to revealing the issues associated with accurately pricing therapies in the CAM market. This is a key issue for CAM therapists who usually practice a number of therapies. The charge is usually per time with the therapist and usualy for thirty minutes duration though sometimes forty five or sixty minutes. The AlexGuide pricing analysis service will keep you appraised of the local market practice, price ranges using the three common analytical methods (Raw session cost, unit of time and total customer treatment). The publication contents are detaield below and is acompanied with an alerts service where if an individual therapist or a clinic changes their prices email notifications are sent to the users of this service. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ContentsPreface & Management OverviewThe Private Healthcare market for CAM therapies and their charging practices and policies reviewed followed by a management summary of best practice. Chapter 1 Charging for CAM therapies, market practiceThe market practice of charging for CAM therapies. Chapter 2 Factors affecting the priceFactors affecting charging for CAM therapies Chapter 3 Methods to compare clinics pricingThere are three methods for comparing clinic pricing Chapter 4 Therapy Value – fair pricingWhat is a fair value for a private healthcare service? Chapter 5 Changing pricesHaving established a price how and when does a clinic go about changing the price. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
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