Definition of CAM (Complementary & Alternative Medicine)This is a group of therapies that exist seperate from the conventional primary healthcare treatments that rely heavily on prescription medicine and surgery. They emphasize the desire for patients to be treated as people so the holistic nature of these therapies are key. Exact numbers of therapies are difficult to ascertain but one to two thousand seperate therapies are known. Actively practiced therapies are more likley numbered at under a hundred. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ CAM also goes under a number of other names such as Holistic Medicine, ancient therapies and more, it includes Physical therapies such as Chiropractic, Osteopathic, Acupuncture, Homeopathy with the very well known pilates and yoga therapies. Mentally focussed therapies (the talking therapies) such as Hypnotherapy, CBT (Cognitve behavioural therapy), Clinical Psychology and Counselling. Spiritually based therapies such as Reiki, Mediumship, Angel Cards, Healing, Spiritual Counselling and Bach Flower Healing. Many therapies have physical, mental and spiritual elements combined. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ AlexGuide Quick CAM (Complementary & Alternative Medicine) Facts How big is the Dorset CAM market ? 124 clinics – 42 therapies – 350 therapists (serving approx 750,000 population). What is the total number of CAM therapists in the UK? 120-150,000. Total Value of the UK CAM marketplace? £3 billion annual expenditure. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
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